Sunday, 4 December 2011

Still Christmas Knitting

This is the inner pocket
I'm still managing to progress with a bit of Christmas knitting.  This week I've been focusing on an armchair tidy for Mum who, because she has very little mobility, tends to gather all her bits around her.  Lots of stuff goes down the side of the chair.  Regular excavation is required.

I'm now thinking of making one for Dad, but it would have to  be a darker colour.  This cream colour would not survive his mucky little mitts.

The outer pocket waiting to be sewn up - I do so love a bit of cable

This pattern was one I had cut out of a knitting magazine and was for some kind of super chunky.  One of the few things I don't have in my stash as I don't enjoy knitting with it.  I had some vintage chunky which I used double to get the right tension. 

The second photo is in bright sunshine and looks like a completely different colour than the first.  The first is a truer representation of the colour.  Interesting.
 I'm now getting obsessed with the different ways I could stashbust by doubling up yarns.  Hmmm
Food for thought.